
Twine Docs

What is Twine

Twine is a simple data serialization format that allows you to share data across different systems.

Twine was developed with the purpose of being extensible and easy to implement.


Twine is currently available in the following languages:


Data in twine files is stored in data structures. Data sturctures have different types, such as int, float, and str.

Each data structure also has a subtype. This contains additional information like the precision of a float, or the length of an int in bytes.

For a full list of types and subtypes, please refer to the types reference

The handler of a type can also require some arguments. For example a list may require an argument specifying it’s length

Here’s how a list containing 13 elements might be encoded:

1--- 2--- 3------------------ 4---
          a--- b--- c--------
0101 0000 0010 0001 0000 1101 ....


  1. 0101 indicates that it is a list
  2. 0000 is the subtype for the list
  3. 0010 0001 0000 1101 is the length argument for the list:
    • a. 0010 indicates that the argument is an int
    • b. 0001 is the subtype, and indicates an 8-bit unsigned integer
    • c. 0000 1101 contains the data of the int, and indicates the number 13
  4. .... the succeeding bytes contain the data of the list